
Essential Oils

Essential oils for horses

How Animals Use Essential Oils Naturally

I live in Portugal, which is an aromatherapist’s delight. In my back yard (30 hectares/75 acres) aromatic plants grow wild. They include two types of lavender, helichrysum, cistus, rosemary, mint, thyme and chamomile. My horses and dogs are free to interact with theses plants whenever they like. What I have observed is that they hardly ever …

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Essentials oils protect against Fleas, Ticks (and other unwelcome guests!)

Aromatic protection Aromatic essential oils and hydrosols are your best ally in the fight against fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. Not only do they actively repel bugs, but unlike chemical treatments they will improve your dog’s overall well-being at the same time. Bug protection starts inside Healthy dogs, fed fresh whole food, are more able to …

Essentials oils protect against Fleas, Ticks (and other unwelcome guests!) Read More »

Essential oils and animals

Essential oils for a dog’s hormonal imbalance

It’s spring time. I guess it’s natural that things ‘hormonal’ should become an issue. First of all Dharma Dog’s mammary glands expanded, and she was gaining weight. I kept running her recent heat through my memory, checking if whether there had been ANY opportunity for her to have slipped away. Despite being 99.9% sure she couldnt …

Essential oils for a dog’s hormonal imbalance Read More »

manuka flower

Manuka essential oil

Manuka is the flavour of the month at my place! This is one of those oils that I forget about for a while, and then suddenly seem to use all the time. It has a slightly off-putting fragrance in my opinion, but it is a wonderfully effective oil.

Essential oils for horses

Zoopharmacognosy research link

Zoopharmacognosy, or animal self-medication, is a fascinating subject, and one I am lucky enough to observe pretty much every day of my life. I was happy to find this article, which gives some good examples of how wild animals seek out the herbs and minerals they need.

Sweet Fennel – Earth into Metal

Sweet Fennel bridges the Traditional Chinese Medicine seasons of Late Summer and Autumn (Fall). The sweet yet pungent fragrance, tell us that Sweet Fennel belongs to Earth and Metal, governors of those seasons. Traditionally used as a digestive aid, working on the stomach and large intestine, Sweet Fennel also helps to clarify mental confusion, let-go of obsessive behaviour and to express yourself clearly. Late summer is the time for integrating lessons learnt over the fruitful summer time and Autumn is the time for letting go of that which is no longer serving you.

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